Скрипт для удаления контента SCCM пакетов с Distribution point серверов

Задача: удалить контент пакетов с SCCM Distribution point серверов, чтобы они не занимали место на них, при этом не удаляя самих пакетов.

Скрипт получает списков DP серверов, на которые указанный пакет распространен (distributed), а затем удаляет контент на каждом DP. Для каждого типа пакетов используется свой синтаксис командлета Remove-CMContentDistribution.

#Powershell script to remove SCCM content of the packages from distribution points without remove the package itself.
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process

# Site configuration
$SiteCode = "CEN" # Site code
$ProviderMachineName = "your.central.sscm" # SMS Provider machine name

# Import the ConfigurationManager.psd1 module
if((Get-Module ConfigurationManager) -eq $null) {
    Import-Module "$($ENV:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH)\..\ConfigurationManager.psd1"

# Connect to the site's drive if it is not already present
if((Get-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
    New-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -Root $ProviderMachineName

# Set the current location to be the site code.
Set-Location "$($SiteCode):\" @initParams

    $date = Get-Date
    $log = "c:\temp\remove_cmcontent_all_dp.txt"
    "" | Out-File $log -Append
    "==== $date ==== " | Out-File $log -Append

$pkg = Read-Host "Enter PackageID"
$query = Get-WmiObject -NameSpace Root\SMS\Site_CEN -Class SMS_DistributionDPStatus -ComputerName $ProviderMachineName -Filter "PackageID='$pkg'" | Select Name, ObjectTypeID

$ObjType = $query.ObjectTypeID
$dplist = $query.Name

if ($ObjType -eq "2") {
"Package Type is Regular package"
    foreach ($DPname in $dplist)
        Write-host "Working on package $pkg --> $DPname" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        "Working on package $pkg --> $DPname">>$log
        Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DPname -Force -PackageId $pkg -ErrorAction Continue
        Write-host "Completed the package $pkg Removal from $DPname" -ForegroundColor green
        "Completed the package $pkg Removal from $DPname">>$log
            #Catch the exception here
            Write-host "-Exeception error on $DPname. Check logFile more details" -ForegroundColor Red
            #Write the server name to $log
            "$pkg has thrown asn error $($_.exception)" >> $log


if ($ObjType -eq "18") {
"Package Type is OS Image"
    foreach ($DPname in $dplist)
        Write-host "Working on package $pkg --> $DPname" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        "Working on package $pkg --> $DPname">>$log
        Remove-CMContentDistribution  -DistributionPointName $DPname -Force -OperatingSystemImageId $pkg -ErrorAction Continue
        Write-host "Completed the package $pkg Removal from $DPname" -ForegroundColor green
        "Completed the package $pkg Removal from $DPname">>$log
            #Catch the exception here
            Write-host "-Exeception error on $DPname. Check logFile more details" -ForegroundColor Red
            #Write the server name to $log
            "$pkg has thrown asn error $($_.exception)" >> $log


if ($ObjType -eq "19") {
"Package Type is Boot Image"
    foreach ($DPname in $dplist)
        Write-host "Working on package $pkg --> $DPname" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        "Working on package $pkg --> $DPname">>$log
        Remove-CMContentDistribution  -DistributionPointName $DPname -Force -BootImageId $pkg -ErrorAction Continue
        Write-host "Completed the package $pkg Removal from $DPname" -ForegroundColor green
        "Completed the package $pkg Removal from $DPname">>$log
            #Catch the exception here
            Write-host "-Exeception error on $DPname. Check logFile more details" -ForegroundColor Red
            #Write the server name to $log
            "$pkg has thrown asn error $($_.exception)" >> $log


if ($ObjType -eq "14") {
"Package Type is OS Upgrade Package"
    foreach ($DPname in $dplist)
        Write-host "Working on package $pkg --> $DPname" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        "Working on package $pkg --> $DPname">>$log
        Remove-CMContentDistribution  -DistributionPointName $DPname -Force -OperatingSystemInstallerId $pkg -ErrorAction Continue
        Write-host "Completed the package $pkg Removal from $DPname" -ForegroundColor green
        "Completed the package $pkg Removal from $DPname">>$log
            #Catch the exception here
            Write-host "-Exeception error on $DPname. Check logFile more details" -ForegroundColor Red
            #Write the server name to $log
            "$pkg has thrown asn error $($_.exception)" >> $log


if ($ObjType -eq "23") {
"Package Type is Driver Package"
    foreach ($DPname in $dplist)
        Write-host "Working on package $pkg --> $DPname" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        "Working on package $pkg --> $DPname">>$log
        Remove-CMContentDistribution  -DistributionPointName $DPname -Force -DriverPackageId $pkg -ErrorAction Continue
        Write-host "Completed the package $pkg Removal from $DPname" -ForegroundColor green
        "Completed the package $pkg Removal from $DPname">>$log
            #Catch the exception here
            Write-host "-Exeception error on $DPname. Check logFile more details" -ForegroundColor Red
            #Write the server name to $log
            "$pkg has thrown an error $($_.exception)" >> $log

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